U925 Series

Product Features
Fabricated of #18 gauge stainless steel with #4 satin finish
Capable of supporting up to 500 lbs when properly mounted
Product Specs
Seat: Fabricated of #18 gauge #4 satin finish stainless steel welded to frame. All leading edges on slats have a radius edge for safety. Handing is required for this seat. Tubing: Fabricated of #18 gauge stainless steel with a #4 satin finish. Main Frame: 1 1/4” square tubing with capped ends. Underside has no exposed fasteners. Flanges: Fabricated of #18 gauge stainless steel with four (4) exposed mounting points. Under slung supports have a 1 1/4”OD. Leg Support: Fabricated of #18 gauge stainless steel one piece construction. Mounting Bracket: #16 gauge stainless steel “hat” style bracket with four (4) mounting points. Bracket acts as a guide to raise and lower platform. For maximum support bracket should be mounted on finished floor to accept load transfer. Seat will remain in an upright position when not in use by means of a spring clip. Overall Size: 32”W x 20 3/4”D (Seating Area) 813mm x 527mm Handing: U925-R: Right Handed U925-L: Left Handed
Installation Instruction
To comply with ADA code, seat should be mounted at a height where the seating location should be at a height of 17" - 19" above finished floor. Check all State and Local code for building requirements. Recommend in wall mounting on all shower seats (BP10)