
Product Features
Seat is fabricated of 3/4" high density polyethlyene (HDPE) resin
Capable of supporting up to 250 lbs when properly mounted
Product Specs
Seat: Fabricated of 3/4" thick, one piece polymers (white) with all leading edges having a radius to prevent injury. Seat is secured to frame with carriage bolts and acorn nuts.
Tubing: Fabricated of #18 ga stainless steel with #4 satin finish.
Main Frame: 1 1/4" diameter square tubing with capped ends.
Flanges: #18 gauge stainless steel with four (4) countersunk exposed mounting points. Under slung supports have a 1 1/4" OD. (Satin finish)
Mounting Bracket: #14 ga stainless steel "hat" style bracket with 4 mounting support points. Bracket acts as a guide to raise and lower seat platform and is equipped with four (4) points to secure to wall surface. For maximum support, bracket is mounted so the bottom is set on the finished floor surface. Seat will remain in an upright position when not in use by means of a spring clip.
Overall Size: 20 1/4"W x 14 3/4"D (seating area)
514mm x 374mm
*Wall to floor mounting design provides equal distribution of weight to ensure safe operation.
Installation Instruction
To comply with ADA Code, seat should be mounted at a height 17"-19" above finished floor. Check all state and local codes for building requirements. Recommend in wall mounting on all shower seats. (BP10) Place seat up against wall making sure the extended